We empower holistic dentists to improve their standard of care with bio-compatible products.
It's a healthier alternative.
The saremco print product range represents an innovative and first-class selection of 3D-printing materials, which cover a wide spectrum of dental applications.availability, style, or even provide a review.
The revolutionary water system to treat malocclusion. Aqualizer® takes the guesswork out of treatment by allowing the body to naturally find TMJ pain relief and functional balance.
Introducing the pioneering composite restoration system which incorporates matrix technology to eliminatine TEGDMA and HEMA. It's gentle and reliable for both dentists and patients.
SprintRay products are built to work together, creating opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and outstanding clinical results. From design to print to post-processing, SprintRay products help you maximize the efficiency of your clinic.
The apt restauration system is based on a new, SAREMCO-MONOMER (patent pending). This was developed as part of an INNOSUISSE project with the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences in Freiburg and Sion (HES-SO). aptcomposite shows an enzymatic degradation reduced by up to 10 times compared to conventional filling materials. This solves one of the remaining problems of such materials in terms of biocompatibility.
ZIPRO-D Dental, bio-ceramic 3D Printer has been invented by AON Co.,Ltd with Korean technology and aimed to provide the quality of dental restoration to dental labs all over the world
The AquaSplint concept is developed on the base of the manual therapy to improve and simplify the diagnostic and treatment of TMD.
The latest to hit our shores